Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Save First! - Andrew Matthews

Does this ever happen at your house...
Your family sits down to eat a big apple pie - and in minutes, the whole pie disappears!
Even when no one is hungry, everybody eats!
Why? Because the pie is on the table.

Does this ever happen at your house...
You get your pay cheque - and in no time, the whole thing disappears!
Even when you don't really need to spend it, you spend it.
Why? Because the money is there.

Now, back to that apple pie...
If you want to save pie for tomorrow, anybody knows,
you don't put it all on the table.
You FIRST put a slice in the refrigerator - out of reach.

So how do you save cash for the future? You don't put it all in your wallet.
You FIRST put a slice in a special bank account - out of reach.

Just a simple strategy...
1. Open an account.
2. Every week, before you spend one cent, deposit 10%, automatically
Soon you won't even miss that 10%.

You say, 'But I earn so little!' Then just save a little! It will add up.

Lots of people can make big money.
Few people can save big money!

You say, 'When I start making big dollars, then I'll save!'
You probably won't!
Better make it a habit now!

Here's the difference between rich and poor:
Poor people spend first and save what is left.
Rich people save first and spend what is left.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Life is short! - Beautiful Lesson ♥

Do not miss even a single line.. It's awesome!
Beautiful Lesson!

The girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick, she is 21 . Next to her, her fiancé, Nick, 23. The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US . Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication.In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of chemo to end.

In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss.

An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that Katie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well.The other couple in the picture are Nick's parents. Excited to see their son marrying his high school sweetheart..

Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube , listening to a song from her husband and friends

At the reception, Katie had to take a few rests.. The pain did not allow her to stand for long periods

Katie died five days after her wedding day.

Watching a woman so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think.....

Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it lasts .
We should stop making our lives complicated.
Life is short
Break the rules
forgive quickly
love truly
laugh constantly
And never stop smiling no matter how strange life is
Life is not always the party we expected to be
but as long as we are here,
we should smile and be grateful.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

My Redeemer Lives - Team Hoyt

This is the True Story

A son says to his father: 'Dad, would you be willingly to run amarathon with me?'

The father, despite his age and a heart disease, says 'YES'. And they run that marathon, together.

The son asks: 'Dad, can you run another marathon with me?'

Again father says 'YES'. They run another marathon, together.

One day the son asks his father: 'Dad would please do the Iron Man with me?'

Now just in case you wouldn't know, 'The Iron Man' is the toughest triathlon in existence: 4km swimming, then 180 km by bike, and finally another 42 km running, in one stroke.

Again father says 'YES'

Maybe this doesn't 'touch' you yet by heart ... until you see this clip (put on sound!):

Click --> Talking about YouTube - My Redeemer Lives - Team Hoyt

- An Interesting Survey -

Out of 100 people who are 25 years old now..

When they are at age 65..

1 of them will be filty rich like Vincent Tan (CEO of Berjaya Corporation)

4 of them will be financially independent

5 of them will still be working

36 of them will be dead

54 of them will be in old folk home.. dependent on charity

Where will you be?
If you don't do something now?